27-29 November 2024
If you wish to register an individual click here. This process can be used for multiple people however they are not linked and will be invoiced individually.
If you wish to register and manage a group, please use this option. This will enable you to manage the group (even if you are not attending) and receive one invoice. You will also be able to log back in at any time to check, change or add registrations for your group. Note you must use the group option to take advantage of the 'Second & Subsequent' Council rate.
For either process you have the option of registering now and paying later, or may elect to pay via credit card (Visa and Mastercard only) at the conclusion of the process. You may change delegate names at any time after registering. If you do not know names now but want to reserve/pay for registrations, please use something like 'Delegate TBA1', 'Delegate TBA 2' etc and update names at a future date.
Conference Fees
Early bird council - $1045 inc gst. $825 inc gst for 2nd and subsequent - prior to 18 October at 6pm
Standard rego council - $1,320 inc gst, $990 inc gst for 2nd and subsequent - from 19 October
Council day rego - $715 inc gst
Corporate - $1,980 inc gst
Corporate day rego - $1,210 inc gst
3 days conference
1 ticket to the Combined Welcome function and casual dinner evening (Wednesday 27 Nov)
1 ticket to the Conference Dinner (Thursday 28 Nov)
Morning tea, afternoon tea and lunch
Conference Satchel
Conference Shirt - council delegates only
Day Registrations
Council Delegate - $715 inc gst per day
Corporate Delegate - $1,210 inc gst per day
Conference sessions on the selected day
Conference catering on selected day (M/T, lunch & A/T)
Conference Satchel
Conference Shirt - council delgates only
Note – Day registration does not include the evening function on the selected day
Additional Function Tickets for Partners, Guests OR Day Registrants
Combined Welcome function and casual dinner on Wednesday 27 November - $130 + gst
Conference Dinner on Thursday 28 November - $150 + gst
Once open, registrations can be made online via the “register” button
Ensure you have read and accept the Registration Conditions listed below
Pay via online credit card (note 1.5% merchant fee applies), or self generate an invoice for EFT payment (bank details will be on the invoice).
Please note that to be eligible for the above discounted rate payment is required by the nominated date (not just the registration).
Once payment has been made, you will receive a confirmation letter and Official Tax Receipt.
‘Early’ Registration – for all registrations received prior to 6pm on 18 October 2024. To be eligible for this rate, payment must be received by the early registration cut-off date. If payment is not received within this time, regular rates will automatically apply.
‘Standard’ Registration – for all registrations received from 19 October 2024. Registration is not deemed confirmed until payment is received and payment must be received prior to the conference.
Council Registration – This rate is available for delegates who are employees of a Council. This rate includes all conference materials including satchel, and daytime catering for each day of the conference and one ticket to the Welcome Function and Conference Dinner.
Corporate Registration – This rate is available for delegates who are NOT employees of a Council. This rate includes all conference materials, and daytime catering for each day of the conference and one ticket to the Welcome Function and Conference Dinner.
Day Registration – For delegates who are unable to attend the full conference, there is a “Day Registration” rate available for attendance on the Thursday or Friday only. Inclusions for day registrations: All Conference materials and daytime catering for chosen day. The day registration rates do not include entry to social functions (Welcome Function or Conference Dinner), however delegates can purchase tickets for these events at the nominated rates.
Accommodation - Opal Cove Resort - Pacific Hwy, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
Accommodation can be booked when you register online.
Please do not go direct to the resort as we have all of the accommodation as a block booking.
Rates include gst and are:
Resort Room Single $207.00 B&B
Resort Room Twin/Double $255.00 B&B
Ocean Room Single $235.00 B&B
Ocean Room Twin/Double $272.00 B&B
Junior Suite Single $290.00 B&B
Junior Suite Twin $320.00 B&B
2 Bedroom Self Contained Villas $320.00 – unserviced / room only / minimum 2 nights
3 Bedroom Self Contained Villas $380.00 – unserviced / room only / minimum 2 nights
4 Bedroom Beachfront Apartments $550.00 - unserviced / room only / minimum 2 nights
Alternatively, you may book your own accommodation elsewhere. We have arranged 10% at Pacific Bay Resort which is a few kms away. It is also where the dinner is being held on Thursday night . To book, use this code IT2024 NOTE: ensure you change the dates in the link to suit your requirements.
Payment is required to confirm registration, and is due at the time your completed registration form is received. Delegates who still have outstanding registration fees at the time of the Conference will be required to complete a ‘Payment Guarantee Form’ which will require credit card details. If payment has not been received within 7 days after the event, the nominated credit card will be charged for any outstanding fees along with 1.5% merchant fee. Please note that this is a strict condition of registration.
Tax Invoice and Receipts
Please note that once paid, the Registration Form is recognised by the Australian Tax Office as a compliant Tax Invoice. Once payment has been received, a delegate confirmation letter will be emailed to the address given.
Billing Address
Please include Billing Address details on the registration form if applicable. All payment related correspondence (i.e. invoices and receipts) will be made out to the Billing Address.
Refunds and Cancellations
All cancellations must be made in writing (via email) to bradley@ccem.com.au. Registration fees will be refunded less a $150 cancellation fee for cancellations made prior to 5pm on Friday 1 November 2024. After this date we regret that no refunds will apply, however substitute delegates will be accepted. Please note that cancellation fees will apply whether or not payment is received at the time of registration. Refunds will either be processed to the credit card used, or to a nominated bank account if paid via EFT. By submitting the registration form, you are agreeing to these conditions.
Conference Cancellation
The City of Coffs Harbour is committed to hosting the 2024 Local Government IT Conference and are excited to showcase our region. If Covid-19 restrictions stop the Conference being conducted in November 2024 it will be postponed to a future date. All sponsorship and registration payments made will be held over to the new dates. Should you not be able to attend the new dates a full refund will be provided.
Shared Registrations
Please note that one registration with payment must be received per attending delegate. Shared registrations are not permitted due to legal and insurance reasons. Day registration rates are available should you be unable to attend the full Conference.
Delegate’s registration, accommodation and social function ticket fees do not include insurance of any kind. The organisers recommend taking out an insurance policy of your own choice with your local insurance or travel agent.
Every effort is made to ensure that the contents of this registration information is correct. The organisers retain the right to make changes where necessary. The City of Coffs Harbour and the conference coordinators, Countrywide Conference and Event Management, will not accept liability for any damages of any nature sustained by participants or their accompanying persons or loss or damage to their personal property for the duration of the conference.
Condition of Entry
It is a condition of entry that no delegate may disrupt the order of events or intent of the program. Anyone considered to be disturbing the program intent will be asked to leave. Only pamphlets and brochures approved by the event organisers may be distributed.